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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fight Night & The Supremes

What a time to be alive, in a world where high profile public figures are getting arrested or surviving several assassination attempts! All while the world is on the brink of World War 3 but none of these things move me because Jesus already forewarned us. Everything done in the dark will come to light and what a joy it is to be part of the light! I enjoy doing what I do and getting my kids to share in it too! Check out this visual call sheet for a commercial shoot where my kids were paid to just play!

They had so much fun just being themselves and I thank God for the opportunity! 

My goddaughter also got a chance to make her movie debut on Supreme at Earl's in a night club scene watching the woman who played her mother drink! She looked so funny at her lol

Children are such natural stars no wonder that's what heaven is made of!

I had a few scenes in the film as well next to a lot of action: 

I am fearfully and wonderfully made that I know full well!

Another star studded project I was blessed to work on was Fight Night! My homeboy from almost a decade ago was a principle talent on it and I'm so happy for him! His name is Atkins Estimond and he's so cool and down to earth.

Though I'm not that noticeable on the series it was cool being on set as background among the big stars like Samuel L Jackson, Terrence Howard, and Kevin Hart! My time will come. Just wait and see!

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
for my hope is from him. 
He only is my rock and my salvation, 
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

Psalm 62: 5-7

Speaking of God a legendary Actor James Earl Jones went on to be with the Lord. The voice of Starwars Darth Vader and Lion King's Mufasa! His powerful voice will be remembered and missed. It's time for my voice to fill that void. Check it out here!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Will Smith has achieved another number 1 Movie in Bad Boys 4 and I was blessed to not only meet him but also work with him on set! Though the scenes or shots I was in were not used in the final edit here are some of the behind the scenes photos: 

With all the scandals and scrutiny Will Smith has faced he definitely deserves to be arrested but who doesn't in Hollywood? They're all guilty of despicable things and we are too! "No man is good, no not one." (Romans 3:10, Psalm 14:1-3, Psalm 53:1-3)  

"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) 

"If You, O LORD, kept track of iniquities, then who, O Lord, could stand?" (Psalm 130:3)

I can see why they took it out! Will Smith doesn't want that image out there of him in hand cuffs getting roughed up! All jokes aside it was an honor to meet him and Martin Lawrence on set. Two great icons I grew up watching on TV! We exchanged a few words and sang the Bad Boys theme song together! There was a group photo taken but it wasn't released...

I pray that they truly know God beyond the casual greetings of "God bless you" and He gets the glory in their personal lives. 

I also met another legendary star awhile back who starred with Will Smith in the past: 

Though I ended up not being used in her project it was still a pleasure meeting Vivica A. Fox!

There are many pitfalls in the industry that leave many in shambles. I am grateful to rub elbows with many greats while keeping my integrity. Praise God for every opportunity and may His Name only be glorified in the end. 

The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. (Habakkuk 3: 19)

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Always You Shine!

What a year it's been so far! God has been opening and closing doors left and right! Ever since Katt Williams let the cat out of the bag, the entertainment industry has been unraveling! I'm in the world but not of it and I'm used to being rejected by it so it's fine with me! It's an honor and privilege to be a light and face scrutiny! God's favor is my shield and the sword of truth is what I wield cutting through this playing field. Check out some of my latest gigs:

Tourism Video For SC with my fancy hat: 



Some Behind the Scenes footage of MANHUNT where I played background freed slave!

Colonizers can't help but admit the tides are turning since Kendrick beat Drake in the latest Hip Hop Beef! 

More Scandalous and Salacious content has been released like "Secrets I Keep From My Ex" featuring me in the background even though I fell asleep on set lol

And there's so much more in store for the rest of 2024! Stay tuned...

As more secrets come out in the world don't waste the time you have....


"For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body."

2 Corinthians 4:5-10

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Too Cool Chronicles LLC

It's official I am now an LLC open for business in Role Playing! I should've done this a decade ago but lacked the fortitude and focus to get it done. Praise God for his patience with me and for giving me this opportunity to be established. As a Model & Actor with a plethora of experience my image is everywhere and it's high time to fully capitalize from it. The eyes of man are never satisfied as you can see from how my image was used in this fake story. Apparently Getty Images has some stock footage of me from some past paid photo shoot. 

Hell and Destruction are never full; So the eyes of man are never satisfied. (Proverbs 27: 20)

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12: 2)

I've been in showbiz for a decade plus and one of the most influential people that gave me my first cable network opportunities was Warren Marcus (God rest his soul). I've been on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural dozens of times over the years with several featured parts glorifying God! Godspeed Sir and thanks for using me to spread the message of Jesus Christ!

With the SAG Strike over I started getting union work not long afterwards! Even in the midst of the strike I was working on a few independent sets and after one door closed God opened several others! I was chosen to hand a billboard award to Latto for her collaborative song "Seven" (The first song to reach 1 billion streams in Spotify history)! Here's the link! And a behind the scenes snapshot:

Right after that I was blessed to play a Captain Prison Guard for a project that's still in the works! It was tough and based on a true story. Stay tuned!

Most of all I am grateful for having a legacy to pass down to my Son and working with him on some voice over auditions! 

My children are growing so wonderfully in the Lord and continue to shine with God-given talents! This year's Christmas Program was The Greatest Gift For All and they sang and danced for the Lord!

Last and probably least of all I was asked to play a doctor for some prankster kid's video and he has over 160,000 followers on youtube but it's so stupid lol 

More than a little nonsensical but I hope the viewers got something positive from it. 

Moving forward into 2024 I am motivated for what God has in store!

Friday, July 28, 2023

My American Dream

Before Babylon falls and the second coming of Christ commences I am so blessed to have attained the American Dream: A home and land for my family! Last month God closed the deal and we got money back! We're still getting settled in but our house warming is in August and we'll be celebrating the faithfulness of God in our lives! All my life He has been faithful indeed! Thank You Jesus!

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you above your companions with the oil of joy. (Psalm 45:7)

He has always been with me and my family through thick and thin, making a way for us to prosper! No matter the pandemic or predicament we never lacked in any season. Tough times make tougher people and that is what we are in Jesus Name. So with the current strike that's happening it seems like Acting and Modeling work is over for the time being yet I am still getting opportunities!

Check out this short film that premiered on youtube recently with an encouraging message:

So glad I had lines and several scenes in that!

Life is so precious and purposeful! It is very important to live it to the fullest because no one knows when it will be over. As a professional Model I've been blessed to do several shoots for a branding agency last year but the photographer's assistant, sitting next to me in this photo from our lunch break, passed away from cancer God rest his soul!

Check out some of the great shots they took: 

Here's our latest work done this month: 

Great work with a phenomenal cast! The next shoot will be with my family! 

This year another credit was added to my IMDB (Internet Movie Database)! For a another short film called Seeking: Mapping Our Gullah Geechee Story in which I had 3 roles: Blacksmith, Enslaved Laborer, and Mbudiaye Man #1 only showing at the International African American Museum that opened last month in Charleston SC! Check out some photos I took behind the scenes: 

I haven't seen it yet but hopefully they make it available to the general public soon! I remember auditioning for the part and sharing my poetry to get the part: 

I also worked in a recent release called The Angry Black Girl And Her Monster
Hired to play a cop but ended up playing a background paramedic. Behind the scenes I was just happy to see an old PA friend who recently underwent serious surgery: 

Like I said earlier life is precious and we should never take it for granted! And God still has me here so I'm going to keep sharing His Blessings with the world in hopes that my testimony wins some souls! There's so much circulating on the internet with conspiracy theories lately but I am not afraid. I know that God reigns over all. Check out this diagram: 
one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 
Ephesians 4:6

Part of My American Dream is being on Film! Be on the look out for American Dreamers! Featuring a lot of local and global talent like myself (also listed on IMDB). Here's an investor showing going on tonight as I'm writing this. 

Shout out to Ice Cube who is still killing it right now with his thinking outside the box mentality! It was so cool meeting him and his son over the years! He's the real deal when it comes to going against the system and expressing yourself! Hip Hop Entrepreneurship at its finest! #FlashbackFriday from the set of Ride along 2

The Original Gangsta of Hip Hop, NWA, and America's Most Wanted. Don't get it twisted he's a smart business man and family man enriching the community he came from! And encouraging OWNERSHIP.

There's a wealth transfer underway and everything that has been withheld from the oppressed will come out in Jesus Name! 

But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” Ephesians 4:7-8

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Are you there God?

The world is getting stranger and it seems like the future is full of danger but before I resort to anger I find solace in my anchor Jesus Christ! Though sometimes I must ask Are You There God? Funny enough there's a movie that came out with that title and I had the luxury of playing my trumpet in it! I haven't seen it yet and most likely they didn't give me credit for it but I remember my fitting photo! 

The special thing about this project is that it was filmed 2 years ago and I caught covid at that time! By God's grace the production dates changed in time for me to recover and still play my role. Truly God orders my steps and perfects that which concerns me for His perfect will.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. 
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
(Psalm 37:23-24)

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever–forsake not the works of Your own hands.
Psalm 138:8

I am grateful for the roles that are accredited to me like Rockland in the indie film Double Down South!

You can also see me on the comedy streaming show Welcome to Flatch! 

Speaking of comedy I've updated my reels for Comedy and Drama! 
Most of all my greatest joy is seeing my kids grow in Christ and celebrate the meaning of life! This past Easter was Spectacular!
Wow those caused some serious tears! 
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. (3 John 1:4)
All in all I am truly Blessed to live the life I live! There's so much in store and God is literally blowing our minds!!!! Keep plowing ahead brethren and don't let the obstacles discourage you!!!!!
10 years ago my dream came true on a Marvel Movie Set and I shared my testimony in a magazine interview!

Also on the set of Florida Man that's now on Netflix I met a reporter that gave me an interview with my family over a year ago! Spectrum News Interview!

There's more to come and more speaking roles this year...

Friday, February 3, 2023

2023 No Competition in Destiny!

2023 has been tough to deal with with the passing of my Uncle Chief Godwin. The Patriarch of my Maternal home was blessed to see the new year but went on to be with the LORD on January 16, 2023. I thank God for his life and all the memories we've enjoyed in Nigeria and America! Chief Godwin Eberechukwu Onwumere was born on Oct 15, 1949 as Gabriel and Teresa's first son. Gabriel fought in WWII and died about 20 years later not long after having my Mother his last born. Chief Godwin looked after his sisters and took care of Mother Teresa while fighting in the Biafra War. By God's grace he survived the horrendous Nigerian Civil War and became a traveling welder recruiting workers from the community and made it into a successful Business! His house is the biggest in Ogboko Ideato South Orlu local government where everyone was welcome! Family videos and pictures from our trips to Nigeria captured his mansion of memories. His legacy continues with 8 living children and several grandchildren and plenty of nieces and nephews and their children including my twins who he held months after they were born. God has been gracious to us through him in many ways and I appreciate his liveliness and big heart! Rest well uncle until we meet again with all our beloved family members that have passed on. Praise GOD for prolonging your life with all the medical treatment you received in America!

We will never forget you!

Before that my friend Robert Crayton committed suicide after killing his wife and 3 kids in early January. I heard this while I was on set and it grieved my soul. Here's the News Article!

Too many suicides are happening in America as of late DJ Twitch, The Green Ranger (Jason David Frank) and others. I was led to make a tiktok video in December of my testimony about having thoughts of suicide but being delivered from it by God. Jesus is the only answer to all of life's problems! Check it out:

The more I share my faith and family values the more fulfilled I feel. This year I was invited to a podcast talking about marriage: 

Praise God for 6 years of marriage with my lovely wife! Time flies by and there are always challenges but through God we are overcomers! 

My first Security Guard roll in a short film has tens of thousands of views on youtube after premiering just weeks ago! It was shot back in 2009 but one of the owners decided to resurface it on youtube recently and it's a hit:

Though the road is rough and filled with obstacles there's only one way to get through them and that's with Jesus! He has kept me more times than I can remember and I know prayer works! No matter what you're going through don't quit on yourself! Look to God for help and all those who call on Jesus will be saved!

2023 my business will be established in Jesus Name! Amen.