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Friday, August 21, 2020

Horror Trailer and Historic Movie

This has been a Glorious Month (My Wife and I celebrate our Birthdays!) and two projects I am involved with premiered! One an independant Horror Thriller Trailer and the other a Historic Movie! I'm so excited because both films speak to the volatile times we're living in and they aren't affraid of diving into divisive issues! Here they are:

Politics and all, every evil agenda will be exposed and destroyed by God. 

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." 
-Matthew 7:20-21

And the Movie titled The 24th Regiment based on the historic events of black soldiers in the US Army in 1917. I had the honor of playing one of the heavily featured soldiers and met Legendary Actor Michael T. Williamson! 

Check it out on VOD today! Here's the trailer

It's not a coincidence that these projects are coming out when the world is going through so much turmoil. Maybe addressing these issues head-on can help us heal and get past them. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Martin Luther King Jr.

One thing's for sure I'm blessed! There is no greater fulfillment than living a purposful life using the talents God gave me. I have been seeking Him more in these tough times and His Word is on point! Check out this interview about who to trust in these terrible times: 

God always makes a way for his children just like he did in Goshen when we were enslaved by the Egyptians. Babylon will fall and the remnant in Christ will not go down with it. We will rise above all powers and principalities and recieve our recompence for all the atrocities done against us when Jesus returns! These prophecies are all in the Word of God but you have to know Him for yourself so I encourage you all to read the Bible (KJV) and be delivered from all the lies of this devilish world!

To Be Continued....