The joy of the Lord is my strength and that is not political! God is in complete control and no lie from the pit of hell can stop Him. I am confident in what the Lord is doing and what the Bible says! We have the Victory through the Blood of Jesus our Risen Savior! What an honor and privilege to use the voice He gave me to give Him Glory! Check out my latest Voice Over work:
Also my voice can be heard in the upcoming issues of Black Sands Entertainment! I've been a Patreon and fan of theirs for years! Black ownership of creativity is so important and now I'm invested in their company! Check them out! WWW.BLACKSANDSENTERTAINMENT.COM
Speaking of comicbooks I caught up with a fellow Marvel Actor last year on the set of The Good Lord Bird! Miles Mussenden and I go way back! He's a Phenomenal Actor and I'm glad we keep bumping into each other.